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Link to the official website of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians (GOC) Synod

Welcome to the Greek Orthodox Church of
The Holy Unmercenaries

The church of the Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian is a true
orthodox Christian church, that was built with the blood and sweat of the
Greek Orthodox Community in Dulwich Hill and surrounding areas.

The community built this church where the much loved and respected
Bishop Chrysostomos Alemangos could perform the Sacraments of our
Holy Orthodox Faith, deliver his inspiring sermons, and strengthen the
Orthodox Community.

The church was built in the 1970’s and for nearly 50 years has continued
to be a place of refuge for all Orthodox Christians.


Weekly Church Services 




Vespers / Esperinos           5.00-6.00pm


Matins  and  Divine  Liturgy   7.00am-11.00am

Sunday School - straight after Liturgy

Upcoming Services

The liturgical program for the period of GREAT LENT is now available in English.

Following the Orthodox Calendar. (

( The Greek Orthodox Church has always followed the Julian Calendar, not the Gregorian Calendar that is in use today, which was introduced by the Latin Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. In 1923 the Patriarchate of Constantinople went against the decision of 3 Synods that anathematized the Gregorian Calendar and went ahead and introduced it into the Greek Orthodox Church. With the assistance of the Greek State, it used military and police force on its clergy and  people to enforce this change into the church in 1924.)


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SATURDAY            23-2 / 8-3               MIRACLE OF THE KOLLYVA BY SAINT THEODORE                                                                                                                                             Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                            7.00-11.00 am


SUNDAY              24-2 / 9-3              1ST SUNDAY OF LENT (of Orthodoxy)                                                                                                                                                                             Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                            7.00-11.00 am


SATURDAY         2-3 / 15-3             THE HOLY MARTYR HESYCHIUS

                                                                     Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                             7.00-11.00 am


SUNDAY              3-3 / 16-3              2ND SUNDAY OF LENT (St. Gregory Palamas)
                                                             Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                             7.00-11.00 am


SATURDAY         9-3 / 22-3             THE HOLY FORTY MARTYRS OF SEBASTIA 

                                                                     Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                              7.00-11.00 am                                                   

​​SUNDAY             10-3 / 23-3            3RD SUNDAY OF LENT (Veneration of the Precious Cross)

                                                                    Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                               7.00-11.00 am 


SATURDAY        16-3 / 29-3           CHRISTODULUS OF PATMOS

                                                                    Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                               7.00-11.00 am 


SUNDAY             17-3 / 30-3            4TH SUNDAY OF LENT (St. John of the Ladder)

                                                                     Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                               7.00-11.00 am


SATURDAY        23-3 / 5-4              THE AKATHYST HYMN

                                                                    Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                               7.00-11.00 am


SUNDAY             24-3 / 6-4              5TH SUNDAY OF LENT (St. Mary of Egypt)

                                                                    Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                               7.00-11.00 am


MONDAY           25-3 / 7-4               ANNUNCIATION OF THE HOLY THEOTOKOS

                                                                    Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                               7.00-11.00 am


SATURDAY       30-3 / 12-4            THE RAISING OF ST. LAZARUS

                                                                    Matins and Divine Liturgy                                                                                                               7.00-11.00 am


‘Beware of false prophets, who
come to you in sheep’s clothing, but
inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
You will know them by their fruits.
Do men gather grapes from thorn-
bushes or figs from thistles?
Even so, every good tree bears good fruit,
but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree
cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad
tree bear good fruit. Every tree that
does not bear good fruit is cut down
and thrown into the fire. Therefore by
their fruits you will know them.’

Matt 7:15-20

The Holy and Wonderworking Unmercenaries Cosmas
and Damian of Asia, and Their Righteous Mother Theodota

Dismissal Hymn, Plagal of Fourth Tone


O HOLY Unmercenaries and wonderworkers, visit our infirmities; freely ye received, freely give to us.


  These Saints were from Asia Minor. After the death of their father, their Christ-loving mother Theodota reared them in piety and in all manner of virtue, and had them instructed in every science, especially that of medicine.


  This became their vocation, and they went about healing   every illness and malady, bestowing healing freely on both men and beasts; because of this, they are called       “Unmercenaries.” And thus, having completed the course of their life, they reposed in peace.

‘Enter by the narrow gate; for wide
is the gate and broad is the way that
leads to destruction, and there are
many who go in by it.
Because narrow is the gate and difficult
is the way which leads to life,
and there are few who find it.’

Matt 7:13-14


The Holy Unmercenaries

Ph: (02) 9569 8252

28 Hercules St, Dulwich Hill NSW 2203

©All rights reserved by the Greek Orthodox Church and Community.  
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